If a person needs funds at the end of the month, they could turn to payday loans to get them over the line. But with high-interest rates and a history of creating debt traps, are these debentures worth it?

Payday loans

These things are short-term debentures that charge high-interest rates (IR) and are only used to tide people over for a short time. Payday debentures are usually referred to as short-term and high-cost credit as, while these things might seem very handy and are approved quickly, the costs of getting one can spiral drastically. In some countries, these debentures can charge a max daily IR of 0.8%. The average Annual Percentage Rate paid on these credits is at least 1000% – way above the 20.7% APR on credit cards.

Because of the quickly accumulating interest, people need to pay, short-term and high-cost credits are usually excellent examples of predatory lending. While four out of five of these debentures are usually paid in a month, there are tons of risks attached to these debentures, and there are safer and cheaper ways to borrow funds.

How do these loans work?

These things are not completely unregulated. If a person is looking to take out this type of debenture, it is important they check out all available options; lending firms that offer payday credits need to publish their interest rates on price comparison websites legally, so it pays to be very careful and do a lot of research.

Borrowers can find emergency or payday credits on the Internet or in stores. Before being given credit, lending firms need to make sure that borrowers have the means to pay it. Borrowers need to be informed how they can repay these credits, what a CPA or continuous payment authority is, and when they will need to repay the debenture too.

Once they have been given the debenture, they will be charged a daily IR, which will continue until they completely repay the debenture. The primary method that financial institutions will look for repayment is through the continuous payment authority, which will look to get payments from the account details borrowers have provided. In short, they give lending firms permission to take payments within the agreed-upon time frame (one month or less).

These lenders should not attempt to take payments from borrowers more than twice. They should also not seek part payment using this type of payment method. Check out lån på dagen uten sikkerhet at entrepreneurshipinabox.com (payday loans without collateral at entrepreneurshipinabox.com) for more details about this type of loan.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ultimately, these debentures serve the important purpose of providing immediate credit to individuals who needs it badly. While there are significant risks, four out of five PLs are repaid within the agreed-upon timeframe. So, who are PLs for, and what are their benefits and disadvantages?


One of the most significant advantages of these credits is the accessibility and speed these things can offer. There are some obstacles people need to jump over when they borrow funds this way. And, as these things are designed to be repaid when the borrower receives their next salary arrives, their repayment will be taken immediately at the same time.

It means that these credits simply pay forward the borrower’s next salary – they may hear short-term and high-cost credits called cash advances because of that reason. Individuals also do not need to have an excellent credit score to get this kind of debenture.

Whereas for most existing debentures, people will need excellent credit scores, they only need to be able to prove they have the means to pay these credits in the agreed-upon time to be eligible – not scores needed. But while people do not need excellent scores to apply for these loans, they may be impacted because of this.


While these loans can be very useful if the borrower is in a pinch, the disadvantages and risks of taking them are well recorded. Above all, the high-interest rate that comes with it can lead borrowers to get sucked into a debt trap. According to experts, at least 60% of borrowers are over-indebted compared to 15% of adults.

The escalating costs mean the longer a borrower goes without paying the amount borrowed, the costs will start to spiral, making these things very risky for individuals who do not have any means of repaying it or who fall on hard times.

As mentioned before, borrowers should not be surprised if taking out this type of debenture affects their credit score. The different financial institutions, credit reference firms, and borrowers calculate the person’s credit score differently. It means even if the person fully repays their debt on time, there is a good chance that some firms will look at borrowing funds negatively.

On the other hand, some lending institutions might need to differentiate between loans people make. Sometimes needing extra cash at short notice does not mean the individual is not a trustworthy borrower. But there always remains the chance that not paying the debenture or taking one out can be seen negatively.

Good alternatives to payday loans

There are other options besides PL that are less risky to borrowers and less likely to land them in debt taps. If they are already in debt, are not sure they can pay PLs on time, or want to find another way to borrow funds, consider other options.

Debt consolidation

Borrowing funds is normal for businesses and individuals who need to find extra money. But when they have outstanding debt, with different payment dates and variable interest rates, it might be a good time to consolidate their debts. Refinancing or debt consolidation aments all the existing debts of the individual or company into one monthly repayment, rendering the payment process again in a more manageable term.

Extend the overdraft

If a person only needs a temporary solution to their problem, they might be able to extend their overdraft with financial institutions. They may have an agreed-upon overdraft threshold which allows them to turn around their outstanding credit within a reasonable term. But even if they don’t, the daily charges of overdrafts are usually less compared to those of payday lending firms.